Vodka "Kupetskaya" is a symbol of history and fidelity to traditions!
The merchant class has always been an important and respected estate at all times.After all, the merchants were benefactors and generous people who always kept "their word". Russian merchants became the foundation for the development of our country and its greatness.
That served as the basis for the creation and development of the new vodka TM "Kupetskaya", which combines a decent quality and accessibility for people's consumption.
The main advantages of vodka are:
· Affordable price
· A design that is understandable and memorable to everyone
· Production according to GOST
· Only natural ingredients in each recipe
Thanks to vodka "Kupetskaya", you can feel the belonging and significance of our native traditions on any day, because it is suitable not only for great feasts, but also for soulful communication at dinner.
"Kupetskaya" is a noble tradition!