Diamond Holding traditionally supports socially oriented projects, socio-cultural and sports activities, and is active in charity work because it understands its responsibility is not only to partners, consumers and employees, but also to society as a whole.

It is generally known, that the quality of food products consumed by Russians causes a lot of complaints. Who is responsible for this - the state, businesses? How should the problem be solved? These and other... Read more >>

Social projectsOTHER NEWS

«Diamond» Holding renovates children's hospital
«Diamond» Holding In terms of the initiative devoted to the Children's Day will paint the walls of the Children's city clinic hospital named after Z.A.Bashlyaeva in Tushino. Read More

Arseniy Mironov celebrates the Victory Day with «Diamond» Holding delicacies
Professor Arseniy Mironov who is a laureate with 2 state prizes, holder of the order of Lenin, order of the Red Banner of labor and order of the badge of Honor, the chief research scientist at the «Flight research institute named after M.M.Gromov» told «Diamond» Holding employees his war story prior to the Great Victory Holiday. Read More

«Diamond» Holding congratulates with the upcoming Victory Day!
«Diamond» Holding in advance of the Great Victory holiday congratulated the war veteran of the rearward areas – Evgenia Larionova – the professor of the Higher Theatre School named after M. S. Schepkin, Doctor of study of art and Honored Artist of Russia. Read More

«Diamond» Holding – The Social frontrunner
The charity project of «Diamond» Holding - «Sunbeam into the world of childhood» - was highlighted among the best participants of a special Russian Program «The best social programs of the year 2015», aimed at the development of social initiatives among entrepreneurs. Read More

«Diamond» Holding – The sunbeam into the world of childhood!
As spring draws closer and closer, there comes a time when everybody is up for a regular portion of happiness in anticipation of the upcoming sunny summer. Our childhood rings a bell; we remember when we were so careless and light. Read More

Diamond Holding gives humanitarian aid to Donetsk and military hospital
Diamond Holding is helping the citizens of Ukraine as much as possible who are living in the area of military flare-up, and refugees, who come to Russia. There had been humanitarian aid from the company already sent to the citizens of Donbass and Rostov region. Read More

The Diamond and Graduation Ceremony 2015
The most important and long-awaited summer holidays of the year begin with Graduation ceremonies throughout the whole country. During such events, the dress code are usually formal suits with bowties, amazing dresses, the first real hair-dos, professional make-up, purses, corsets and heels . Read More

Diamond Holding participates in charity event
The “Arena Mytishchi” on the 6th of June, 2015 was rocked with thunderous uproar of spectators who came to watch a charity hockey game tagged “We are for Life” at the Ice stadium which saw the participation of legendary Russian hockey stars of the past and present-day celebrities. Read More

1941-1945 Stories of the witnesses…to be continued
Quite a few veterans and participants left since the time of the Great Patriotic War. Only a few persons celebrated with us on the national holiday – the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. And we would like these brave persistent people, whose actions have led us to live today in a free country, to know that their heroic deeds were not forgotten. Read More

Diamond Holding wins National Award
Diamond Holding received a national award for having the best social project in Russia. The event which took place on the 2 nd March in Renaissance Monarch hotel in Moscow was created for companies of the private sector in order to support the Russian government’s policies on strengthening social politics on the basis of partnership between governments, society and business. Read More

“Diamond” delights everyone!
On the eve of New Year Diamond Holding employees congratulated children of the orphanage-school at Orekhovo-Zuevo.
A Child’s “Thank you” is warmer than
a thousand other words…

Diamond Holding and the VALENKI vodka conquer the sky
Diamond Holding acted as one of the leading partners of this grand event and took a most active part with its alcoholic brand VALENKI. The miracle of flight... Read more >>

PEARL OF ELBRUS natural water for the pilgrims of Sergiyev Posad
Diamond Holding traditionally participates in charity events. So was decided to bring 20 000 liters of water PEARL OF ELBRUS water from to a tent city of pilgrims. Read more >>

Diamond Holding presented the awards at the VI All-Russian Prize Graduate 2014
The IV All-Russian Prize "Graduate 2014", the most important and memorable event for high school graduates in Russia, was held at the State Kremlin Palace. Read more >>

Diamond Holding gives children fun on Children's Day
Diamond Holding decided to give a little joy to the children from a Russian orphanage – the Dolmatovo orphanage on International Children's Day. Read more >>

Diamond Holding sums up the project 1941-1945. Stories of the witnesses/span>
Diamond Holding has launched the project "1941-1945 Stories of the witnesses" to the Victory Day as a tribute to the witnesses and participants of these heroic events. Read more >>

Diamond Holding with Russian ballet of V.Gordeeva
The premiere of the play "Recognition" has taken place in this day, dedicated to the history of Russian ballet from the era of the Imperial Ballet, its stages of development and formation through the Soviet ballet, to the ballet annals of the New Russia. Read more >>

"Stars of "Romansiada" at the Kremlin" with Diamond Holding, VALENKI and SPELO-ZRELO
A gala concert by the stars of "Romansiada" at the Kremlin" was held with stunning success on the last Saturday of January in the best concert hall of the country, the State Kremlin Palace, the traditional sponsor of which was Diamond Holding... Read more >>