Diamond Holding has joined the congratulations at the ceremony "For the good of the Motherland 2013"

Diamond Holding was a partner of the award ceremony of the Open International competition "For the good of the Motherland", which was held on December 5, 2013 at the President Hotel (Moscow).
State and public figures, scientists, businessmen, whose activity is particularly important in the life of the state and society, were awarded with high honors of the National Endowment.
Professor of RAN, an Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Glazyev; Governor of Ulyanovsk Region, Sergei Morozov; Chairman of the Government of Yakutia, Galina Danchenko; Deputy Governor of Kaluga region, Vladimir Potemkin; Mayor of Bataisk, Rostov Region, Valery Bataiysk Putilin; a cardiologist, professor of St. Petersburg Dmitry Yegorov; patriarchal Archdeacon Andrei Mazur; General Director of OAO "Holding-center", Regina Mayorova; Adviser of the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Sergey Tkachuk are among the winners this year.
Within this event, the 95th anniversary of the oldest Russian economic newspaper "Business and Life" and the 15th anniversary of the legal weekly "EJ-Lawyer" were celebrated.
The anniversaries were congratulated by the Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, Yuri Pulya, the Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Vsevolod Bogdanov, the Secretary of the Moscow Union of Journalists, Lyudmila Sherbina, the president of the Academy of Russian literature, Yuri Belyaev, Heads of the Free Economic Society and the leading Russian universities, as well as representatives of the regions (Samara, Tatarstan, Yakutia (Sakha).
Professor , Sergei Glazyev, presented diplomas to new Professors of the Academy of Management and Business Administration.
A gala evening was organized after the official part, which was sponsored by Diamond and VALENKI brand. Tables were decorated with original dishes and of course, only high quality alcoholic beverages from the sponsor.
An interesting concert program was prepared for guests, which was conducted by renowned opera singer, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.
Photos in the album "For the good of the Motherland 2013" .