Happy bartender!

The Day of the bartender - a relatively new holiday, which is celebrated on 6 February.
For many people, it is not just a professional holiday, but also a way of life. After all, a person who is engaged in this profession should have a number of specific characteristics, such as: how to use your knowledge of the recipe and have excellent taste, able to combine seemingly incongruous ingredients and most importantly – it is personal qualities. The bartender - a great psychologist. Customers come for advice, speak out, and to each he must pay attention and guess the preferences of the client.
In the world, there are people who have dedicated their work throughout his life. For example, most elderly barman - Angelo Cammarata, began his work in 1933, and he is now 96 years, that does not prevent to continue working and to love his job. Moreover, Dolly Saville, a native of Britain for almost 70 years has given the work behind the bar.
"Diamond" Holding congratulates all professionals in their field, and offers to celebrate this evening a great recipe for an alcoholic cocktail called COSMOPOLITAN:
• Vodka - 45 ml;
• Orange Cointreau - 15 ml;
• Lime juice or lemon juice- 7-8 ml;
• Cranberry juice - 30 ml.
Cooking method:
All the ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 3 parts of vodka, 1 part of liquor, half of the lemon or lime juice and 2 parts of cranberry juice.
1. Fill a martini glass with ice cubes to cool
2. Add all the ingredients in a shaker with ice and mix well
3. Remove the ice from the glass
4. Pour a cocktail into the glass
5. For decoration, you can use slices of lemon, lime and cherry.
"Diamond" Holding - All sides of taste!
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