«Diamond» Holding – The Social frontrunner

It has been 4 years since the fund «Social projects» with the support of the government of Moscow discovered significant practices of companies in the social responsibility sphere. A Solemn awards ceremony for the best business-initiatives during the last year was held on the 8th April 2016 in hotel Radisson Resort Zavidovo. The master of the ceremony was Elena Zakharova who is a Russian actress of theatre and cinema.
The amount of requests was surprising – from more than 200 companies which meant that many companies in their business practices pay special attention to not only the commercial aspects and profitability, but also social matters as well. It was even better to realize, that amidst lots of participants was «Diamond» Holding with its social project «Sunbeam into the world of childhood» that was among frontrunners of the program and was awarded the Badge of Honor and Diploma.
It became a good tradition for «Diamond» employees to turn themselves into good magicians for a day. They know firsthand, how much the eyes of a child may say, especially if there are tears in those eyes. Unfortunately, not everybody is able to bear this eloquence as they try to shield themselves from the misfortunes of others. That’s why «Diamond» Holding often organizes charity trips to orphan homes and orphanages in order to try and readdress the injustice on children, left without parent’s attention and care by misfortune. Surprisingly, every time the children are glad not because of the presents, but the guests, who are willing to spend some time instead of one more toy, and to communicate, after which they are able once again to believe in the warmness of people’s souls.
«Diamond» Holding with its project is trying to persuade all others not to stay indifferent! It is unnecessary to wait for a special occasion – we are to learn how to give something just to see a glance of happiness in little children, who are only at the beginning of their way.
Tags: Diamond holding Charity