«Diamond» Holding congratulates with the upcoming Victory Day!

«Diamond» Holding in advance of the Great Victory holiday congratulated the war veteran of the rearward areas – Evgenia Larionova – the professor of the Higher Theatre School named after M. S. Schepkin, Doctor of study of art and Honored Artist of Russia.
«Diamond» Holding's own social project «1941-1945 y.y. The stories of the eye-witnesses» is going on its wandering through years. In terms of this initiative the employees of the company are writing down the stories about war time told by notable figures of Russia. This is a reminder to all the later generations about the importance of the veteran contribution, who put maximum efforts for the Victory in the far away 1945 year.
The employees of the Holding one more time collected a big basket of tasty products of own brand «Spelo-Zrelo» and headed to meet Evgenia Larionova. Despite of her respectable age, you still can read in her eyes glance of a young girl full of life who is dedicated for theatre till present time.
- My addiction to the theatre started in the middle of the war period, - says Evgenia Larionova. Everything started from the hobby group in the Home of pioneers in my native town Ivanovo. Then it was among a few soviet cities, where the enemies did not stepped in yet. But the breath of war could be felt: air raid alerts, roaring of the planes.
- I remember, there was only one thought in head – remembers Evgenia Larionova, - to deliver the biggest part of it home, so that the mother could have some as well. The way home was long, and while I was going, baited off piece by piece, and then worried a lot, when just a small portion left for mother – the whole day had eaten nothing myself.
Tags: 9may