Brand "SPELO-ZRELO" with a pleasant berry news - Jam!

Brand "SPELO-ZRELO" from "Diamond" Holding starts new year with a pleasant berry news - Jam!
Jam "SPELO-ZRELO"- that's only natural, carefully selected fruit and vegetables from the plantation of our southern regions, which have passed strict quality control and processing to save the most valuable and important vitamins, to be not only delicious, but also useful for the consumer.
One of the important features of the jam is its healing properties for colds. For example, raspberries contain plant volatile, which perfectly preserved in the process of cooking and is a natural antibiotic, has a devastating effect on pathogens.
The range of the brand consists of five new flavors: apricot, raspberry, black currant, strawberry, cherry. A juicy packaging attracts attention and gives a good mood for our customers.
The range of jams "SPELO-ZRELO"- real delicacies for the sweet tooth!
"Diamond" Holding - all sides of taste!