"Stars of "Romansiada" at the Kremlin" with Diamond Holding, VALENKI and SPELO-ZRELO

A gala concert by the stars of "Romansiada" at the Kremlin" was held with stunning success on the last Saturday of January in the best concert hall of the country, the State Kremlin Palace, the traditional sponsor of which was Diamond Holding.
To greet the "Day of Russian romance" performers gathered on the famous stage - the best of the best for all seventeen years of the event’s life, those whose names are heard today at many stages in Russia and the world. The famous annual competition not only discovers new talents, but also helps them to spread their wings and fly high. Russian romance in the world is considered to be a school of excellence, professionalism, sincerity, naturalness and warmth.
Fans of this favorite genre greeted warmly the most famous Russian opera singer in the world, the soloist of the "Metropolitan -Opera", Marina Poplavskaya. After winning the "Romansiada 2004" she performed at the London's Royal Theatre "Covent Garden" with the chamber program of ancient Russian romance, the first such performance in the history of this famous stage.
And then - a real firework of inimitable voices, beautiful melodies, stunning costumes in the grand scenery of the Kremlin Palace - whirled and carried on the waves of the "Grand Waltz of Russian romance" to happiness, love and light of all those fortunate enough to be at this festive show, embodied by its creator and the permanent head of the Honored Artist of Russia, pianist and musicologist, a real missionary for this favorite genre of Russian music, Galina Preobrazhenskaya.
Aleksei Kudrya and Vladimir Dmitruk, winners of the Placido Domingo "Operalia" contest, Karina Serbina, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, Ivan Ozhogin, the winner of the "Golden Mask" award, the best Mr. X of Moscow Operetta Theater, Maxim Katyrev, the performer of major roles in the musical "Notre Dame" and "The Count of Monte Cristo", Diana Savelieva, unforgettable Irina Krutova and Larissa Lusta and many others were among the singers.
By tradition, after the concert all gathered to celebrate their success with VALENKI, champagne "Brut Zoloto Frantsii", exotic fruits from SPELO-ZRELO and other products of Diamond Holding.
After all, it's great when a business is accompanied with great art.
Let’s get warm together…
Tags: Diamond holding Preserves SPELO-ZRELO Events VALENKI vodka