Diamond Holding with "Russian ballet" of V. Gordeev

"We sincerely appreciate the "Russian ballet "- the real phenomenon of our national culture - and its constant leader, Vyacheslav Gordeev, for his educational mission in Russia and the contribution that he makes to the promotion of Russian art throughout the world, maintaining the great traditions and spirituality of our classical schools, fostering and promoting young talents", - said the president of the Diamond Holding Zaur Balagov at the anniversary evening on February 27, 2014.
The premiere of the play "Recognition" has taken place in this day, dedicated to the history of Russian ballet from the era of the Imperial Ballet, its stages of development and formation through the Soviet ballet, to the ballet annals of the New Russia.
25 years on stage is a significant event for the theater, which brought together a large number of true fans of the art of choreography and dance.
The famous ballet company has demonstrated a mastery of dance. The light pas of elegant dancers, graceful movements of amazing ballerinas, beautiful dresses and fine suits brought to play a specific emotion, and even delight. Without words, just contemplating the show on stage, drowning in the sounds of Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony, the audience immersed in the mystery of the dance, absorbing the mood of the characters and their experiences.
The modern technology of 3d and video projection of visual images were used for the first time in the performance, which adds a special piquancy, effeteness, and even a new dimension.
Diamond Holding prepared for the anniversary some tasty and "strong" gifts for the premiere as always.
At the anniversary banquet in honor of the landmark event for the "Russian Ballet" guests were pleased with drinks from the range of Diamond Holdings - ZOLOTO FRANTSII Champagne, VALENKI vodka, the crystal clear mineral water PEARL OF ELBRUS and the cognac ZOLOTYE KAPLI.
Diamond Holding is a long-time patron of the classical art, and particularly enjoys it collaboration with the "Russian Ballet", brilliantly embodying the achievements of the national dance, and personally with Vyacheslav Gordeev, an outstanding dancer and choreographer, whose contribution to the development and promotion of truly Russian ballet around the world is invaluable.
Tags: Events Diamond holding